Ramayana the Great Epic Poem - Ayodhya Ramayana Championship
Ramayana the Great Epic Poem

Sreemad Ramayana composed by Maharshi Vaalmiki is hailed as the first great epic poem is the world. During the period when there was no format or model to compose an epic poem, ‘The Ramaayana’ written by Maharshi Valmiki has set an ideal form and content for writing an epic poem. From its poetic value and excellent characterization, presentation of positive eternal values it remains unique is the world. No wonder, the Brahma himself says is the second “sarga” of ‘Baalakanda’, that “as long as there are hillocks and mountains, as long as there are rivers and water in the world the story of Raama will remain and as long as there remains the story of Raama, Vaalmiki too will remain in the world and ‘Brahmaloka’. The Raamaayana expounds that ‘dharma’ truth, forgiveness, peace, maintaining promise, loyalty and devotion to parents, are greater than wealth and kingdom. Lakshmana and Braratha coneretise love of brothers. Sita is chastity itself. Loyalty of Urmila, Mandodari, devotion and loyalty of Hanuman towards Rama are all unique and exemplary. It is said that you may find a brother like Raama, but you will never find brothers like Lakshmana and Bharatha. Lakshmana follows his elder brother and sister-in-law to the forest. But you will never find in the world literature a character like Bharata who places the sandals of his elder brother Raama on the throne and ruls the kingdom on behalf of his brother for 14 years.

The Composition of the Epic Raamaayan:

Valmiki Mahrshi one day comeout from his aashram to the bank of the river Tamasa, to take bath. There he saw a pair of herons immersed in love making. Then a hunter hidden there shot at the birds with his arrow. Hit by the arrow one bird writhing with pain, screamed, fell down and died. The Maharshi was pondering on the story of Raama and Sita, their separation and was struck with anger, grief, and compassion. At once he cursed the hunter:

“Maa nishaada prathishtham twamagamaha shashwateesamaaha |

Yat krouncha mithunaadeka mavadheehi kaama mohithaha ||

“Hey hunter, let you, who have killed one heron of the pair, when they were immersed in love not have long life”.

As soon as the curse come out of his mouth Vaalmiki felt very sad. Grief for the dead bird, compassion for the lone living bird, sadness and repentance for the curse he had inflicted, haunted his mind. When he was grieving thus, Brahma himself came, consoled Vaalmiki and said that the curse is in the force of ‘Shloka’ with metrical form. Keeping this shloka as the base foundation, you compose the story ‘Raamaayan’. “Brahma granted a boom that the inside and outside of all the characters of Raamaayana, all the incidents would be visible before the eyes and mind of Vaalmiki as they happened. Thus with his creative genius and boom of Brahma Vaalmiki composed the epic poem Sreemadraamayana.

As per the guess of some scholars this epic poem was cdomposed during or before thee century B.C. The epic poem was popularized by singing of the story in aashrama, villages and towns.

Raama, Lakshmana, Sita, Bharatha, Dasharatha, his queens, Raavana, Hanumantha and all the characters of the epic have found a permanent place in the minds of our people. Throughout India based on the Ramayana, plays, stories, novels poems and new epic poems are being composed. Raamayana is an inspiration to the artists, painters and writers of all times. Including Kannada and English, Raamayana is popular in many languages and in many countries, like Sreelanka, Java, Sumatra, Burma, Thailand, Tibet, Indochina, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico and other countries.

This epic poem is divided into (1) Baalakanda, (2) Ayodhyakaanda, (3) Aranyakaanda, (4) Kishkindha Kaanda, (5) Sundara Kaanda, (6) Yuddhakaanda and (7) Uttarakaanda. The present book of Raamayana with pictures concisely and in a simple manner, depicts the story of Raamayana till Yuddhakaanda and coronation of Raama.

Birth of Raama and his brother to kind Dasharatha of Kosala, their education, Raama and Lakshmana learning with Maharshi Vishwamitra, slaying of Jataka, Raama’s marriage with Sita are described in Baalakaanda.

Ayodhyakaanda consists of preparations for the coronation of Raama as Yuvaraja, owing to Dasharatha’s booms to Kaikeyi and her demands Raama, Sita and Lakshmana leaving to forest and Dasharatha’s death.

Aranyakaanda narrates the life of Raama Lakshmana and Sita in the forest, slaying of many demons, meeting with the rishis, incident of Shoorpanakhi, abduction of Sita etc.

Kishkindhakaanda narrates the search of Sita by Raama and Lakshmana, meeting of Sugreeva and Hanumantha with Raama, Lakshmana, slaying of Vaali.

Sundarakaanda is considered very auspicious, and describes Hanumantha’s jumping ove the ocean. Seeing Sita, coming back and informing the happy news to Raama.

Yuddhakaanda depicts building of bridge to the shore of Lanka, war between the armies of Raama and Raavana, Raama’s victory and his return to Ayodhya with his brother, wife, Sugreeva, Vibhishana, Hanumantha and his coronation.

Raamayana is an immortal epic poem that proclaims the positive eternal values.

(Dr. Shantakumari is a luminary in the literary realm, a seasoned writer whose words have woven intricate tapestries of thought and emotion. As a published author and esteemed professor of English, her influence on both academia and the literary world is immeasurable. Notably, her translation prowess shines through her masterful renditions of renowned works by Dr. S. L. Bhyrappa, such as “Saakshi” and “Gruhabhanga,” a testament to her remarkable ability to convey the essence of complex narratives across linguistic boundaries. She has written the English version of ‘Ayodhya Illustrated Ramayana’ published by Ayodhya Publications Pvt Ltd.)

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